Category: Code or Hosting

  • Outlook Search tags

    isread:noimportance:highhasattachments:yes And if you are looking for the full list: try here

  • Pointing your domain to a CDN common thoughts and questions

    When looking to host your site on a Content Delivery Network, there are a few questions as to how it works. With some providers, you are supplied a CNAME that utilizes anycast to resolve to a different IP depending on where in the world you are: As an aside, due to the above behavior, a…

  • Reset ColdFusion 10 or 11 Administrator Password Manually

    If you need to reset the ColdFusion Administrator Password for ColdFusion 10 or ColdFusion 11, it is much easier than previous versions. Windows From the machine running ColdFusion, browse to cf_root/bin, in this case I am in C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin or C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\bin Right click on passwordreset.bat and choose Run as administrator to ensure proper permissions during runtime.…

  • SOLVED Synergy ERROR: ipc connection error, connection refused

    open task manager go to services tab right click on Synergy start running the service Yup, thats it. Thanks to for the help!

  • Running ColdFusion as A Separate User

    ColdFusion needs to be limited, or in certain cased, granted more access, in the case of NAS shares, etc. Defaults: Way too open, give the user full control of: “WebDocument Directory c:\cfusion or c:\cfusionmx (and all subdirectories) c:\winnt c:\winnt\system32” Okay, web root seems fine, the ColdFusion install directory seems fine. My OS installation folder,…

  • KeePass for Web, ssh, MSTSC (RDP), ftp, sftp, and WinSCP

    KeePass and You, Scheming the PC KeePass (Professional Edition, I am using the 2 version Portable Package) is a phenomenal tool, that can save you insurmountable amounts of time if configured well.  I have taken the time to use it for numerous schemes and desktop environments to have it work best for me.  Find my…

  • Enumerate or Count Active Connections on a Given Port

    Enumerate Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find “:1433 ” Count Active Connections on port 1433: netstat -aon | find /c “:1433 ”   To Enumerate and Count Active Connections on port 1433 and 443 ECHO This is the log for %date%: >> C:\logs\log.txt ECHO Current number of connections to 1433: >> C:\logs\log.txt…

  • Locating crontab scheduled tasks in *nix

    If you need a list of all users crontab tasks, run this as root: for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done   will loop over each user name listing out their crontab. The crontabs are owned by the respective users so you won’t be able to see another user’s…

  • Find Symbolic Links in *nix

    Find all symbolic links on a linux OS: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; Or if you want to output it to a file: find / -type l -exec ls -l {} \; > /home/admin/symbolic_link_list.txt

  • Granting MySQL Permissions and Deleting them

    Granting permissions in MySQL, localhost and external hosts must be separately run, the % sign means any external host and will not account for local connections: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@”%” IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; But say you wanted to then remove…