Category: Code or Hosting
Pictures to setup PayPal Website Payment Standard (PayPal Side)
To edit your settings log into your PayPal Account, Click on Profile. Both sections you want to edit are here. The First one is Instant Payment Notification Preferences (6 down on the right column in my image) the second is the Website Payment Preferences (10 down on the right column in my image). You will…
Microsoft no longer supports their own Proprietary Protocol
See, see:
Showing Hidden Files in FTP Clients
In Dreamweaver Pre CS: Step 1: Go to the ‘Files’ section in the sidebar. Step 2: Click the ‘Options’ icon Step 3: Select ‘View’ Step 4: Click on ‘Show Hidden Files’ CS Versions: Step 1: If you don’t have one already, create a new Site, even a temporary one. Step 2: Go back to the…
USPS character encoding issue for shipping in Miva Merchant
Some times I see strange characters when viewing the Shipping Options in a Miva Merchant store. This is because the characters are dependent on a character set. The way to correct this is to run the following command: update s02_USPSMethods set name = replace(name, ‘�’, ‘®’); It is semi safe to copy and paste the…
MER-STA-DTB-00008 – mysql stmt prepare: Table ‘user.s01 Stats’ doesn’t exist
I got this error: Runtime error in features/sta/sta_db.mvc @ [00000007:00000028]: Line 151: MvQUERY: mysql_stmt_prepare: Table ‘user.s01_Stats’ doesn’t exist Miva Merchant has encountered a fatal error and is unable to continue. The following information may assist you in determining the cause of the error: Error Code: MER-STA-DTB-00008 Description: mysql_stmt_prepare: Table ‘user.s01_Stats’ doesn’t exist The problem was…
MER-STP-00019 – Unable to validate license number
I ran across this error on a new server when configuring Miva Merchant. Upload the diag5.mvc from Miva Merchant and go to the MIVA License Manager Call. Here you should see errors to assist in troubleshooting the error.
PhpMyAdmin 2002 error in CPanel
Linux VPS (CPanel) What to do if you are not able to access PhpMyAdmin from a individual account. Within CPanel, you have the ability to access a MySql database using PhpMyAdmin. However you may notice that if you attempt to connect to PhpMyAdmin using a login other than root (Using port 2083) you will get…
SmarterStats v3
In my day to day life, I work with SmarterStats and once in a while, files it uses become corrupt. I often get errors such as the ones below: The file C:\SmarterLogs\WebLogs\123\currentsessions.logdat is corrupted on server localhost (1). The file C:\SmarterLogs\WebLogs\123\UnprocessedSessions.dat is corrupted on server localhost (1). I usually would then just replace the 2…