Category: Code or Hosting
Common (RHEL Red Hat, Ubuntu Server, and CentOS) Network Interface Configuration Locations and Basic Format
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga) File found in: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=%IP Address% NETMASK=%Netmask% GATEWAY=%Gateway% ONBOOT=yes Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS File found in: /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address %IP Address% netmask %Netmask% gateway %Gateway% CentOS release 5.8 (Final) File found in: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=%IP Address% NETMASK=%Netmask% GATEWAY=%Gateway% ONBOOT=yes
Moving an SSL Certificate Between Hosts Securely
How does one move an SSL Certificate between web hosts securely? Well, you want the certificate exported from the source server. If you have direct access, you can do this yourself, otherwise I would CALL the Source Provider. Supply them a randomly generated password, you can have them generate a password for you. This password…
Disable the Submit Button at onclick
If you want to disable a submit button once it has been clicked, to prevent double clicking and/or double form submission. You can use the below code snipet, as the onclick value as seen in the snipet, to disable the button once clicked, update the button text to a notice for the end user, and…
Change Default Font Color on Reply Messages in Outlook
I seriously can not stand the blue’ish color it comes up with. To change the default font color on reply messages in Outlook (this is as of Outlook Professional 2010 Version: 14.0.6123.5001 (32-bit)). Go to File: Click Options: Click on the Mail text in the Navigation: Click on Stationery and Fonts: Here you can change…
How to Add a Site within SmarterStats
This article is specific to version 7, but the workflow is very similar on previous versions and likely to be similar on later versions. From within the SmarterStats Interface, click on New: You will be given a new window for creating a site: I have filled in an example site and its associated…
How to Add a Site Account (User) within SmarterStats
If you wish to add a user to your SmarterStats site, you can perform that action rather simply. This article was written for Version 7.7, but will likely be valid since version 6, or possibly 5. This article is also likely to be valid through version 8, based on the history of the application. Let…
Connection attempt failed with “EAI_NODATA – No address associated with nodename
I ran into this error, the fix was to hard set the IP resolution for the hostname I was connecting to within the local hosts file. I also ended up adding an Out rule to the local firewall for the port I was connecting to. Per the FileZilla forums “Either there is no such host,…
Response: 530 Have to use explicit SSL/TLS before logging on. Error: Could not connect to server
I received this error when connecting to an FTP server, to resolve this error, I had to prefix hostname I was connecting to with ftpes:// as apposed to just ftp://.
HTTPS Everywhere for a More Secure Browsing Experience
Do you use a browser? Don’t answer that, of course you do. And if you don’t hate the internet and all life on this planet, chances are you are NOT using Internet Explorer. If you are using Firefox or Chrome, I highly recommend using HTTPS Everywhere written by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This will cause your browser…
The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Mailbox unavailable or access denied –
(state 13). The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Mailbox unavailable or access denied – <> (state 13). I was sending an old contact an email, and got this in my bounceback, and NO, the email address in my example is not the email address I was sending to. The fix was simple enough,…